Food Critics' Guidelines
The following guidelines for restaurant critics and/or reviewers are just that — guidelines suggested by the Association of Food Journalists. They are not intended to be rules that will be enforced by the Association of Food Journalists. The guidelines are provided to food journalists and their employers who are interested in ethical industry suggestions for reviewing restaurants.
Good restaurant reviewing is good journalism. Reviewers should subscribe to the same accepted standards of professional responsibility as other journalists. That means adhering to the traditional Canons of Journalism of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, and the Code of Ethics of the Association of Food Journalists.
Given the prominence — and controversy — inherent in reviewing, it makes sense to check first when confronted with a doubtful situation. Consult the various ethics codes or talk to an editor. The Association of Food Journalists also serves as source of advice and support for reviewers who are members.
Reviews should be conducted anonymously whenever possible. Critics should experience the restaurant just as ordinary patrons do. Reservations should be made in a name other than that of the reviewer and meals should be paid for using cash or credit cards in a name other than the critic. Take care to make reservations from telephones outside of work; many restaurants have caller identification systems. Just because a workstation telephone has a "blocked" telephone number doesn't mean the call won't be tagged as coming from the publication. Reviewers who have been recognized may want to make note of that in the review, especially if the treatment they receive differs markedly from what nearby tables are receiving. While anonymity is important when dining out, reviewers should write under their real names, not a pseudonym. Readers should also be able to respond to the reviews; a work telephone number or e-mail for the reviewer or the supervisory editor should be included with the review.
Multiple Visits
Two visits to a restaurant are recommended. Three times are better. Service, food quality and atmosphere can vary, sometimes quite dramatically, from day-to-day. Multiple visits give the critic a better understanding of the restaurant, helping him or her to more accurately gauge its rhythm and spirit. Try scheduling visits so the restaurant is observed on a weeknight and a weekend. Lunch on a Monday can be vastly different from a Saturday night dinner, for example.
Reviewers should sample the full range of the menu, from appetizers to desserts. Reviewers must taste everything ordered, or at least all the items they mention in a column. Bringing guests along helps the critic by allowing the table to order a greater variety of dishes. Two or three guests per visit are probably the most manageable. Besides being fun, having guests along better replicates the dining out experience. Order dishes that involve different cooking techniques (steamed, deep-fried, sautéed); different ingredients (one orders fish, another asks for beef); different styles (something traditional, something eclectic). Is there something the restaurant is known for doing well? Order it. In general, guests should avoid ordering the same thing. Order different dishes on return visits. It's a good idea, however, to do a repeat order on a dish that is particularly wonderful or terrible to see if the experience is consistent.
Pay in full for all meals and services. Don't accept free meals or use gift certificates donated by the restaurant or a special-interest group. Publications should strive to budget enough money for restaurant visits so the reviewer can do the job without having to resort to personal funds to help pay the bill.
Reviews should reflect the full range of a region's restaurants, from neighborhood haunts to luxury venues. Offer readers dining choices in a variety of price ranges, cuisine, neighborhood and style.
New Restaurants
To be fair to new restaurants, reviewers should wait at least one month after the restaurant starts serving before visiting. These few weeks give the fledgling enterprise some time to get organized. If, however, a restaurant must be visited because of timeliness, enormous reader interest or journalistic competitiveness, consider offering readers "first impressions." This piece should be more descriptive than critical, avoid labeling it as a review if possible. The emphasis of such a sneak preview could be on the fledgling restaurant's clientele, its decor and maybe the chef's background rather than a blow-by-blow account of the menu (though food would, of course, be mentioned.)
Ratings should reflect a reviewer's reaction to menu, atmosphere and service. Cost should also be taken into consideration. Have a sense of what a star or other rating symbol mean. Here are some definitions to consider:
FOUR STARS: (Extraordinary) Transcendent. A one-of-a-kind, world-class experience.
THREE STARS: (Excellent) Superior. Memorable, high-quality menus frequently accompanied by exciting environs and/or savvy service.
TWO STARS: (Good) Solid places that beckon with generally appealing cooking.
ONE STAR: (Fair) Just OK. A place not worth rushing back to. But, it might have something worth recommending: A view, a single dish, friendly service, lively scene.
NO STAR: (Poor) Below-average restaurants.
Although most readers have a sense of what the stars mean, every review should run with a box explaining the ratings.
Some restaurants get better, some restaurants get worse. A critic should have some sort of mechanism in place to make note of these changes. A full-blown re-review is appropriate if the restaurant changes hands, wins or loses a high-profile chef or moves to a new location.
Negative Reviews
Negative reviews are fine, as long as they're accurate and fair. Critics must always be conscious that they are dealing with people's livelihoods. Negative reviews, especially, should be based on multiple visits and a broad exploration of the restaurant's menu. Following a consistent reviewing policy without deviation may protect a critic from charges of bias or favoritism, while providing a platform from which to defend the review.
Fact Checking
Follow basic journalistic precepts for accuracy. After finishing the review, telephone the restaurant and double-check the spelling of the name. Confirm address, telephone number, credit card policy and what types of alcohol are served.
Wearing Two Hats
Restaurant reviewers who double as food editors should try to keep the two roles as separate as possible. Food editors who are reviewers should avoid writing stories about restaurants, restaurant owners or chefs. It may be hard for a restaurant owner or chef to speak as freely as he or she should if he or she harbors some resentment because of a review. Conversely, owners and/or chefs may try to be extra nice in order to win a favorable review in the future. If possible, utilize another employee or freelancer to do those stories. If personnel or budget constraints preclude another staff member tackling these stories, try to obtain the information over the telephone rather than in a face-to-face interview. Also, try to steer clear of interviewing the staff of restaurants that have been recently reviewed or are on the immediate reviewing schedule. Critics should avoid functions that restaurateurs and chefs are likely to attend, such as grand openings, restaurant anniversary dinners, wine tastings or new product introductions.
Many restaurant critics do the job on something less than a full-time basis. While a number hold other jobs with their employers, there are critics whose only link to a publication is the restaurant review. Here are some questions freelancers should consider before accepting an assignment.
*What is the policy on negative reviews? Does the publication expect only "puff" pieces?
*Will the publication support the critic if a restaurant dislikes the review? What if the *restaurateur threatens a lawsuit? Will the publication give out the critic's home telephone number and leave him or her to fend for themselves? Or, will the publication field calls and defend the reviewer?
*Does the reviewer get to write under his or her own name or a pseudonym?
*How many times is the critic expected to visit a restaurant before writing a review?
*Who selects the restaurants?
*Does the publication have a policy about reviewing restaurants that are also advertisers?
*Are any restaurants considered off-limits, i.e. chain restaurants?
*Does the publication have specific guidelines (food quality, service, attitude, price) that must be followed in evaluating the restaurant?
*Is there a policy on how many people a reviewer can take along to a dinner? Do guests need to pay for their own meals?
*Does the publication pick up the tab? Is there a cap on how much a reviewer can spend on the meal? Will the publication pay for alcohol? Does the reviewer have to use a personal credit card or pay cash?
*Will the critic be paid a salary plus meal reimbursement or just meal reimbursement?
Will the reviewer receive mileage?
*How long must a reviewer wait before getting paid? Will the publication pay for credit card late fees or interest charges if the reimbursement is not timely
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Consumer Foodservice by Location in Malaysia market research report includes:
Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
What is the market size of Consumer Foodservice by Location in Malaysia?
What are the major brands in Malaysia?
How are economic or demographic factors impacting the foodservice industry in country
How are multinational and local operators expanding in country
How have consumer lifestyle trends and eating habits influenced foodservice in country
Why buy this report?
Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders
Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats
Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions
Overall market improvement due to rising consumer confidence
During 2010, the overall consumer foodservice in Malaysia saw improvement due to recovery from economic recession. People were more willing to spend on eating out, be it at full-service restaurants, fast food restaurants, fine dining or casual dining eateries. The high inflation rate in Malaysia did not really affect the spending power in the consumer foodservice market. Casual dining full-service restaurants saw positive value growth within consumer foodservice in Malaysia during 2010. The reasons behind this were the affordable pricing provided by casual dining full-service restaurants and the wide variety of menu options provided.
Increasing health consciousness among consumers in Malaysia
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of health related matters. During 2010, the government of Malaysia invested heavily in reminding the public of the dangers of over-consumption of alcohol and tobacco, as well as salt and sugar. The government has come up with wide range of campaigns such as adverts on TV and campaigns jointly with schools in order to implant the idea of health consciousness in the minds of students. Therefore, consumers have switched their preferences to healthier foods offered by certain restaurants, and started consuming organic products. One example of healthier eating is the rise of street stalls/kiosks selling fruit juice in Malaysia. Some of the players like Juice Works, Juice Bars and Bobalicious Smoothies have seen an on-going trend in Malaysia which people aiming at a healthier lifestyle. Hence, they tend to target those consumers by offering nutritional smoothies or healthy juice as an alternative to breakfast or coffee.
Local companies and brands dominate consumer foodservice
QSR Brands, Golden Arches and Secret Recipe Cakes & Café dominated consumer foodservice in Malaysia. They have consistently marketed their products with a range of promotional marketing campaigns, for instance, a tea-time offering from 15.00hrs to 18.00hrs by Secret Recipe Cakes & Café. Continuous innovation of the company’s menu caused it to be able to outperform other competitors in consumer foodservice in Malaysia. Furthermore, Secret Recipe Cakes & Café expanded aggressively with more new outlets throughout Malaysia in 2010 which helped it to gain a high value share. In terms of multinational brands, KFC and McDonald’s opened more drive-thru outlets to capture more customers that demand the convenience provided by such eateries.
Independent foodservice providers continued to dominate
Independent foodservice providers continued to dominate consumer foodservice in Malaysia during 2010. Malaysia was overwhelmed with street stalls/kiosks in Malaysia and the majority of them are independent players. Bars/pubs, full-service restaurants and cafés are also predominantly independent foodservice providers. Despite the dominance of independent foodservice providers in Malaysia, chained foodservice providers are gradually gaining recognition in Malaysia. Most of the chained fast food players, such as KFC and McDonald’s have enjoyed popularity in Malaysia. Other local chained foodservice providers like Old Town White Coffee and Secret Recipe Cakes & Café aggressively expanded in terms of outlets in Malaysia to achieve higher value sales.
Potential hiking inflation rate slows growth in consumer foodservice
With the recovery of the economy, consumer confidence is expected to improve over the forecast period. Moreover, as more become time-poor and urbanisation continues to take place, more will turn to dining out for convenience. This is expected to boost positive performance for consumer foodservice in Malaysia. As already seen over the review period, consumer foodservice outlets will continue or find new ways to tap on social media tools, launch promotions and advertising campaigns to entice consumers and provide greater value. On the other hand, rising operational costs and raw material costs are likely to impose higher costs on consumers for dining out over the forecast period.
Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
What is the market size of Consumer Foodservice by Location in Malaysia?
What are the major brands in Malaysia?
How are economic or demographic factors impacting the foodservice industry in country
How are multinational and local operators expanding in country
How have consumer lifestyle trends and eating habits influenced foodservice in country
Why buy this report?
Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders
Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats
Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions
Overall market improvement due to rising consumer confidence
During 2010, the overall consumer foodservice in Malaysia saw improvement due to recovery from economic recession. People were more willing to spend on eating out, be it at full-service restaurants, fast food restaurants, fine dining or casual dining eateries. The high inflation rate in Malaysia did not really affect the spending power in the consumer foodservice market. Casual dining full-service restaurants saw positive value growth within consumer foodservice in Malaysia during 2010. The reasons behind this were the affordable pricing provided by casual dining full-service restaurants and the wide variety of menu options provided.
Increasing health consciousness among consumers in Malaysia
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of health related matters. During 2010, the government of Malaysia invested heavily in reminding the public of the dangers of over-consumption of alcohol and tobacco, as well as salt and sugar. The government has come up with wide range of campaigns such as adverts on TV and campaigns jointly with schools in order to implant the idea of health consciousness in the minds of students. Therefore, consumers have switched their preferences to healthier foods offered by certain restaurants, and started consuming organic products. One example of healthier eating is the rise of street stalls/kiosks selling fruit juice in Malaysia. Some of the players like Juice Works, Juice Bars and Bobalicious Smoothies have seen an on-going trend in Malaysia which people aiming at a healthier lifestyle. Hence, they tend to target those consumers by offering nutritional smoothies or healthy juice as an alternative to breakfast or coffee.
Local companies and brands dominate consumer foodservice
QSR Brands, Golden Arches and Secret Recipe Cakes & Café dominated consumer foodservice in Malaysia. They have consistently marketed their products with a range of promotional marketing campaigns, for instance, a tea-time offering from 15.00hrs to 18.00hrs by Secret Recipe Cakes & Café. Continuous innovation of the company’s menu caused it to be able to outperform other competitors in consumer foodservice in Malaysia. Furthermore, Secret Recipe Cakes & Café expanded aggressively with more new outlets throughout Malaysia in 2010 which helped it to gain a high value share. In terms of multinational brands, KFC and McDonald’s opened more drive-thru outlets to capture more customers that demand the convenience provided by such eateries.
Independent foodservice providers continued to dominate
Independent foodservice providers continued to dominate consumer foodservice in Malaysia during 2010. Malaysia was overwhelmed with street stalls/kiosks in Malaysia and the majority of them are independent players. Bars/pubs, full-service restaurants and cafés are also predominantly independent foodservice providers. Despite the dominance of independent foodservice providers in Malaysia, chained foodservice providers are gradually gaining recognition in Malaysia. Most of the chained fast food players, such as KFC and McDonald’s have enjoyed popularity in Malaysia. Other local chained foodservice providers like Old Town White Coffee and Secret Recipe Cakes & Café aggressively expanded in terms of outlets in Malaysia to achieve higher value sales.
Potential hiking inflation rate slows growth in consumer foodservice
With the recovery of the economy, consumer confidence is expected to improve over the forecast period. Moreover, as more become time-poor and urbanisation continues to take place, more will turn to dining out for convenience. This is expected to boost positive performance for consumer foodservice in Malaysia. As already seen over the review period, consumer foodservice outlets will continue or find new ways to tap on social media tools, launch promotions and advertising campaigns to entice consumers and provide greater value. On the other hand, rising operational costs and raw material costs are likely to impose higher costs on consumers for dining out over the forecast period.
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