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Saturday, May 28, 2011

malaysian guide food;))

*The Food Guide Pyramid helps by providing practical food guidelines to people so that they will apply the nutrient standards to plan a healthy balanced diet.The Food Guide Pyramid helps by providing practical food guidelines to people so that they will apply the nutrient standards to plan a healthy balanced diet..

*What should you eat? How much should you eat? Can you be sure of meeting your nutritional needs? Follow the guidelines and you will be well informed of what to eat to enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life-style.

*The basic concept is to eat according to our needs and maintain a well-balanced diet. Yes, we?re going to discuss the Food Guide Pyramid.

*The Food Guide Pyramid is not as sensational as some new-fangled diet ideas that are abound. It is based and validated by scientific research. Compelled by the evidence, the World Health Organisa-tion (WHO), governments and mainstream health professionals are happy to acknowledge that it?s safe and sensible. More importantly, it is proven to work by helping people eat right for good health.

*Sure, we admit that there are other dietary systems out there but they are mostly developed for people with health conditions. Some are associated with health risks or side effects that are usually not mentioned.

If you are healthy and want to stay that way, take this simple advice: follow the Food Guide Pyramid. In other words, your daily meals should consist more of the foods from the lower levels of the Pyramid and the least from the upper levels. It?s amazingly simple

So according to the Guideline, the Malaysian Food Pyramid is a visual tool that is used as a guide in designing a healthy diet. It is developed as a guide to provide a framework for the types and amounts of food that can be eaten in combination to provide a healthy diet. A food pyramid consists of levels that represent various food groups. Indicated beside each food group is the recommended number of servings per day from each group. From the bottom to the top of the food pyramid, the size of each food group becomes smaller indicating that an individual should cat more of the foods at the base of the pyramid and less of the foods at the top of the pyramid.

Another important terminologies related to dietary and nutrition are:

Adequate diet
An adequate diet provides enough energy, nutrients and fibre to maintain an individual’s health. A diet that is adequate for one individual may not be adequate for another

Balanced diet
A balanced diet is a diet that contains the combination of foods that provide the proper balance of nutrients. The body needs many types of foods in varying amounts to maintain health. The right balance of nutrients needed to maintain health can be achieved by eating the proper balance of all healthy foods including fruits, vegetables and meats.

Food group
A food group puts together foods of similar nutrient content and function. There are five food groups. These food groups contain foods that are similar in calories, carbohydrate, protein and fat content.

Healthy diet
A healthy diet is a diet which provides the proper combination of energy and nutrients. Four characteristics explain a healthful diet adequate, balanced, moderate and varied

Moderation is key to a healthy diet. Moderation refers to eating the right amounts of foods to maintain a healthy weight and to optimise the body’s metabolic process.

Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI)
Recommended nutrient intake is the daily intake which meets the nutrient requirements of almost all (97%) apparently healthy individuals, in an age and sex-specific population group. The range of intakes encompassed by the RNI and the tipper tolerable nutrient intake should he considered sufficient to prevent deficiency, maintain optimal health while avoiding toxicity.

Serving size
In the dietary guideline, serving size is the recommended amount of foods consumed daily in household measures used for foods and drinks, for example cup, plate, bowl, tablespoon and teaspoon. A serving size defined in the Malaysian Food Pyramid may not equal to a serving size defined in a food label.

Variety refers to eating many different types of foods each day and to ensure better selection of healthier foods. By selecting a variety of foods, the chances of consuming the multitude of nutrients the body needs are optimised.

So the two key important messages by the guideline are:

Key recommendation 1 : Choose your daily food intake from a combination of foods based on the Malaysian Food Pyramid.

Key recommendation 2 : Choose your daily food intake according to the serving size recommended.

It is very important that an individual ensures getting appropriate foods and incorporates the principle of good nutrition such as variety, a balanced intake of nutrients and moderation. The best way to meet the daily requirements is to eat a varied diet that combines cereals, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, legumes and dairy products.

Eating a variety of foods daily as guided by the Malaysian Food Pyramid should provide all the nutrients needed by the body. Therefore, supplements are not necessary for most individuals. Nutrient supplements should only be taken on the advice of nutritionists, dietitians or medical doctors.

2. The importance of the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines

*Consistent and scientifically sound messages on eating right should be given to the public.

*DIETARY guidelines have become an almost universally accepted tool in nutrition education, promoting appropriate dietary patterns.

*To give and make sure dietary of a patients had discuss the concept, rationale, and approaches to the preparation of dietary guidelines in this write-up. The focus shall be on developments in this country.

*FAO/WHO guidance, were urged to provide dietary guidelines to the public, relevant for different age groups and lifestyles and appropriate for the country’s population.

*The consultation provided guidance on the development of guidelines as well as how the guidelines could be use to improve dietary practices.

*In this way, priorities in establishing dietary guidelines can address the relevant nutrition-related public health concerns.

*It can broad targets for which people can aim for while RNI indicate what should be consumed on the average every day.

These can developed in a specific socio-cultural context and need to reflect relevant social, economic, agricultural, and environmental factors affecting food availability and eating patterns. Public health issues should determine the direction and relevance of dietary guidelines. These guidelines need to be positive and encourage enjoyment of appropriate dietary intakes.

*dietary guidelines have guidelines for specific groups, e.g. pregnant and lactating women, adolescents, in addition to a general set of guidelines for the wide spectrum of the population.

*Dietry guidelines in malaysians provided different visual guides to the public to help them make food choices and the amounts of each food group to be consumed. These include pyramids, plates, rainbow, and even pagodas. Malaysia has been using the food pyramid and this form of visual guide will remain in the revised dietary guidelines.

*A set of dietary guidelines was prepared to promote healthy eating practices, including some aspects of food safety, nutritional labeling, weight management, and exercise. The food pyramid was also introduced in the country for the first time in 1997.

*it is including the improvement of the health and nutritional status of the population through the promotion of healthy diets and lifestyles.

*To ensure effective implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Plan of Action, strategies of the plan are oriented into the Foundation, Enabling, and Facilitating Strategies.

*To identified the need to promoting healthy eating and active living. And one of the five facilitating strategies calls for ensuring all have access to nutrition information.

*These dietary guideline cover the whole range of food and nutrition issues, from importance of consuming a variety of foods to messages for guidance on specific food groups.

*The revised guidelines also include specific messages to encourage physical activity, consuming safe food and beverages, and making effective use of nutrition information on food labels. A new food pyramid shall also be revealed!

*It guidelines will become the guiding principles of nutrition advice to the public. This helps to ensure that consistent and scientifically sound messages are given.

*Attempts in current health care practice to make health care more accessible, effective, and efficient through the use of information technology could include implementation of computer-based dietary menu generation. While several of such systems already exist, their focus is mainly to assist healthy individuals calculate their calorie intake and to help monitor the selection of menus based upon a prespecified calorie value. Although these prove to be helpful in some ways, they are not suitable for monitoring, planning, and managing patients' dietary needs and requirements. This paper presents a Web-based application that simulates the process of menu suggestions according to a standard practice employed by dietitians.

3)Malaysian RNI and its functions.

Are individualized assessment of daily energy expenditure and intake to get an idea whether a person is taking enough or not. This involves some calculation and understanding of the calories contents of foods and calories expenditure during certain activity within 24 hours.

*in planning for porcuring food supplies ,stokpile of food emergence, as tool for monitoring for nationalfood supplies.

*in food programe, to ensure adequeta nutrient are present in food intervertion programmes.

*evaluting dietry intake of high risk group and indentfying nutrient at risk of being consumed in inaquated amaount by certain group.

*nutrition education as part of food selection guide and guidelines for obtaining nutritionally adequate diets.

*as are references point for the nutrition labeling of food and dietry supplement and making nutrient claims on food products.

*in food products development and food fortification.

*in marketing to assist food industry to communicate product benefits. to educate consumer and to contribute to competitive between brands.

*in clinic diettetic practice for example to develop therapeutics diet manuals plan modified diets,assess individual diets and plan menus and food served in a variety of institutions.

*evaluation of nutritional quality of foods by calculating the nutrients density index.

*as a references standart for nutrient value when communicating findings of various intake and epidemiological studies.

4. Briefly explain the process of metabolism and how the body finally absorbs nutrients in the body.

*Metabolism is a constant process that begins when we're conceived and ends when we die. It is a vital process for all life forms — not just humans. If metabolism stops, a living thing dies.

Here's an example of how the process of metabolism works in humans — and it begins with plants. First, a green plant takes in energy from sunlight. The plant uses this energy and the molecule cholorophyll (which gives plants their green color) to build sugars from water and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis.

When people and animals eat the plants (or, if they're carnivores, when they eat animals that have eaten the plants), they take in this energy (in the form of sugar), along with other vital cell-building chemicals. The body's next step is to break the sugar down so that the energy released can be distributed to, and used as fuel by, the body's cells.

4)Briefly explain the process of metabolism and how the body finally absorbs nutrients in the body.

Metabolism is the essence of what nutrition is all about. It is the sum of all of the chemical and physiological processes by which our bodies break down and rebuild the foods we eat. Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components that can be absorbed into a blood stream.

Metabolism is a process using several chemical reactions. These reactions take place in the body’s cells. Metabolism is all about change. Metabolism changes the food we eat into the energy that is needed by the body to move, think, grow, to heal and repair cells. All living beings need metabolism to live.

The reactions that make up metabolism are constantly happening and started when we were conceived and are needed for life. If metabolism ceases, so does the life of the organism. Metabolism is vital for turning food into the energy needed by the body to perform many essential functions.

The process of metabolism begins with plants. You have probably heard of photosynthesis? It all starts with the plant taking in energy from the sun’s rays. The plant uses the energy it absorbs from the sun and chlorophyll in order to build sugars from water and carbon dioxide. The process of doing this is called photosynthesis.

As humans and animals eat the plants and other cell-building chemicals the body breaks the sugar down so that the energy is released and carried to the body’s cells through the bloodstream. Sugar is not the only source of energy, amino acids and fatty acids can also be used as energy sources by the body.

After these sources of energy enter the cells, other enzymes then act to speed up or regulate the chemical reactions that are involved in the metabolizing process. The process allows the body to either use the energy, or store it. Energy can be stored in body tissues, like the liver, muscles and also stored as body fat.

The whole process of metabolism is a balancing act between two different types of activities that happen at the same time which are:

The building up of body tissues and the energy store.

The breaking down of body tissues and energy stores in order to generate more energy for bodily functions.

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